It's been a while since we published new pages on the Tracks through Grantham website. This is mainly because we've been fixing a performance issue with the site, which has been quite a challenge. We've also been carrying out some 'housekeeping' to check that external links, some created several years ago, continue to find their intended destination.
Today we are launching five series of photographs taken by Colin Walker when he travelled with the footplate crew on express locomotives. Pacifics of classes A3, A4 and A1 appear, along with a Deltic diesel electric. Locations range from Gas Works Tunnel, leading out of London King's Cross station, to Scrooby Water Troughs, north of Retford, and Doncaster station.
You can find the introduction page here. From it there are links to the groups of photographs taken on the five trips.
We're sure this latest group of pages has been worth waiting for. Comments will be very welcome – there is a box at the foot of each page.
Some of you may also receive this update in a direct email from Tracks through Grantham. This will be because you are both a Subscriber to our website and a direct email Contact for our project. Please bear with us on this because eliminating overlap between Subscribers and Contacts is much easier said than done.
Above:The Plant Centenarian special train marking the 100th anniversary of Doncaster Works is calling at Grantham on the way to King's Cross on Sunday 27th September 1953. Photograph by Humphrey Platts
Wishing you a Happy New Year! Here's a news update from Tracks through Grantham, including links to some recent new or amended pages on our website.
Some of you may also receive this update in a direct email from Tracks through Grantham. This will be because you are both a Subscriber to our website and a direct email Contact for our project. Please bear with us on this because eliminating overlap between Subscribers and Contacts is much easier said than done.
Humphrey Platts
We were very saddened to learn that our friend Humphrey passed away early in December.
It’s coming up to ten years since Humphrey first made contact with Tracks through Grantham. In his introductory message he told us that he had read with interest an article in The Grantham Journal about what we were setting out to do. He went on to say that he first came to live and work in Grantham in 1949 and, having an interest in railways, he had many photographs and other information which he thought might be of 'some interest' to us. What an understatement that turned out to be!
Humphrey and his late wife Diana invited us to their home to share stories of their interest in railways and other forms of transport. Their enthusiasm was truly infectious and they became keen supporters of Tracks through Grantham. Humphrey kindly made his superb and evocative photographs freely available to us and they have become favourites with a website audience which extends worldwide.
As he settled in Grantham during the 1950s Humphreybecame acquainted with local railway people, sometimes through a shared involvement in local government or in organisations such as the NSPCC and the Rotary Club. His and Diana's friendship with Stationmaster Harold Scampion led to a specially arranged footplate trip to Newcastle and back for Humphrey on an A3 express passenger locomotive, a sister loco. of the world-famous Flying Scotsman, crewed by a Grantham driver and fireman. Humphrey always recalled that special day out with real delight, though he said that owing to some particularly dusty coal he needed two baths after he arrived home!
Humphrey is preparing to depart from Grantham for Newcastle on a locomotive footplate in the late 1950s. On the right is his good friend Stationmaster Harold Scampion, who had arranged the trip, and on the left is Loco Inspector Bill Buxton. Taking the photograph was Diana who, with their daughter, would see him off. A3 No. 60105 'Victor Wild' was waiting in the loco spur with Grantham crew Driver Ernie Jubb and Firemen Percy Lindley.
Humphrey regularly joined us at our twice-yearly meetings at the Grantham Railway Club. In October 2017 he presented a selection of his pictures on the theme ‘roving locomotives’. Accompanied by his knowledgeable commentary we enjoyed scenes of A5 4-6-2Ts at work on his beloved Metropolitan & Great Central Joint line, not long before some of them spent their final years ‘out to grass’ in the Grantham and Lincoln areas, and Great Northern K2 2-6-0s working in the West Highlands of Scotland. He returned the following year to treat us to a mixture of scenes covering Grantham, King’s Cross, Shrewsbury and the Southern Railway and Region.
We think that the old adage ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ is probably a good way for us to pay tribute to Humphrey’s generous contribution to our project. So here are links to three of 'his' pages on our website which showcase some of the many local railway photographs that Humphrey took between 1949 and the 1970s.
Tony Newman's photographs at Highdyke Yard and Grantham Loco
Tony got in touch with us recently to contribute some photographs for use on the website. We've added his three photos of O2 heavy freight locomotives to existingpages, where they complement the content:
At our meeting in Grantham in October Brian Maddison introduced his recently published book Railwayman - Engineer - Diver : Memories of a Lifelong Railway Engineer.
Brian worked in the railway industry as a civil engineer for over 50 years. He explained how his career began in 1964 in the Peterborough District Engineer’s office, where his first responsible role involved contributing to planning the reconstruction of Bridge No. 2 over the River Devon on the Woolsthorpe Branch (see a photograph and map on this page, about ⅓ down). Other activities local to Grantham during his career include tunnel examinations at Stoke and Peascliffe (the latter when it was open to normal traffic at 90mph), extending platform 4 at Grantham station (see here on our website), and the experience of being called out to Springfield Road bridge in 1998 after a double-decker bus full of children had its roof sliced off, miraculously without injury.
Having read the book we can recommend it as a really readable and entertaining account of ‘how things got done’ on the railway. If, for example, you'd like to find out how areas of tunnel brickwork at or near the crown of the arch, and several rings of brickwork in depth, are replaced (working overhead and in apparent defiance of gravity), or how the dismantling of the oft-lamented GC main line girder bridge spanning the platforms and tracks at Nottingham Midland station was planned and carried out with minimal line blockages 'down below', you will find Brian's story a fascinating read.
It's not only from the technical perspective that Brian relates his story. We see him and others making their way in the railway industry by nurturing business and personal relationships with colleagues and contractors. At several points along the way he reveals how they countered the tendency of a character nicknamed 'Spannerman' to frustrate their plans.
Brian’s book, which runs to around 300 pages, is available on Amazon for £17.99. Profits from sales will be donated to The Railway Children charity, which supports destitute children who turn up at railway stations in many parts of the world.
Website Performance
We’re aware that our website can sometimes be slow to load. For example, white spaces may appear where photographs or other images should be. The issue appears to be both intermittent and inconsistent. By show of hands at the October meeting there are some people who receive pretty much perfect ‘reception’ most of the time and others – it was about a 50/50 split – who seem consistently to have problems.
We’ve been in touch with our website host to try to understand both what’s going on and how the site’s performance can be improved. The word seems to be, first, that making a webpage display instantly and equally well on the range of devices that are in use and widely distributed across the globe is very demanding of the world wide web. We’ll be putting in place some strategies to reduce the stress, such as reducing image sizes.
Second, some issues can be alleviated by regularly carrying out simple housekeeping tasks on our receiving devices, such as clearing browsing history and cookies. Sometimes something as simple as clicking the ‘Refresh’ icon after a few seconds can do the trick.
The website continues to have a steady flow of visitors from all corners of the world. Visits per year since 2017 have consistently totalled between 30-36,000, with the exception of a ‘lockdown spike’ of 42,400 in 2020. The majority of visitors are UK-based but there are also good followings in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.
Could you help us with some website 'housekeeping'?
As our website grows in scope we’d welcome help checking the pages for such things as links which no longer work. We’re looking for a few people who will occasionally read through a section of the site and report issues to us by email, which we would then resolve. If you’re able to do this please send us a note using the Contact Form on this page and we'll get back to you.
We've just added two photographs of the 1874-1942 GNR signal box at Great Ponton. Photographs featuring that box appear to be quite rare and we haven't had one on the website before now. Here's a link to the page. Scroll down to the heading 'The 1874 Signal Box'.
With the kind permission of the Railway Correspondence and Travel Society (RCTS) we are very pleased to re-publish, here on Tracks through Grantham, an article written by John F. Clay in 1966 for The Railway Observer. The article draws on the author's extensive local knowledge as he relates how the town and its people contributed, collectively and individually, to fostering the widespread recognition of Grantham as a premier railway centre on the East Coast Main Line.
The writer concludes by pondering the desolate, cleared site of the loco sheds and yard, querying the wisdom of 'Dieselisation' and wondering, from the perspective of the mid-1960s with the prospect of continuing post-Beeching closures, what future profile the railway would have in Grantham.
We've been saddened to hear that our contributor Roger Bamber passed away on Sunday 11th September, aged 78.
Roger grew up in Leicester and as a boy he made several visits to Grantham station, usually cycling over the hilly A607 via Melton Mowbray. He became a celebrated professional photographer and photojournalist whose work appeared in many national newspapers and magazines. Roger won dozens of awards, most notably the British Press Photographer of the Year twice and News Photographer of the Year twice also.
Two years ago Roger got in touch with Tracks through Grantham from his home in Brighton to offer some of his earliest memories and photographs. They are on our page Haymarket Rarities - captured with a plastic camera.
Several tributes to Roger and his career have appeared on the internet. In one of them, for the Brighton paper The Argus, his wife Shan says, "Roger loved steam trains, one of the reasons he came to Sussex was for the Bluebell Railway but he ended up in Brighton and decided it was the 'best place in the world' and that's why he stayed."
There's an appreciation of Roger Bamber, illustrating the range of his work, on The Guardian website here.
Tracks through Grantham meeting, October 2022
Just a reminder about this event, which was the subject of a post circulated on Wednesday 31st August. If you intend to join us please don't forget to let us know.
A Recently Updated Website Page
Gonerby Siding Signal Box
Back in March we published a new page about the box at Gonerby after Malcolm Rush told us about his visit there in January 1967 in the company of Grantham Station Manager Alec Wise. Malcolm told us that Gonerby was the only box, of 184 that he visited, where the operator was a signalwoman. This set us on the trail of trying to find out who this lady was.
A number of people helped, and we soon identified that she was Mrs Carter, the wife of signalman Albert Carter at Grantham South. Then, a few weeks ago, an email arrived from George Watson who, as a boy, used to visit Gonerby box.
To read George's fascinating account go to our Gonerby Siding Signal Box page and scroll down just over halfway, to the heading Bett Carter: signalwoman at Gonerby Siding.
Recent features of interest
We keep an eye open elsewhere for items of Grantham area railway interest. Here are some we've seen recently.
The Facebook Group Rail Thing - REAL Trainspotting (1945-1968)
Please note that the links to Facebook from this section only work if you are logged in to Facebook.
1. Patrick Clay is posting photographs taken in the Grantham area and elsewhere by his father, John F. Clay. Follow this link to find the Grantham area pictures, or go to the group on Facebook here and search ('search this group') for 'Patrick Clay Grantham'.
John F. Clay wrote the Foreword of Rev. A. C. Cawston's book LNER Steam at Grantham, in which he says that as a schoolboy photographer in the 1930s he met Arthur Cawston and Thomas Hepburn on the platforms at Grantham. In his Introduction to the same book Cawston tells us that John Clay was, for many years, a schoolmaster at Grantham. John F. Clay's photographs have appeared in a number of books and periodicals, and he wrote an article about Grantham's railway heritage in The Railway Observer.
2. Our regular contributor Richard Cumming has penned an absorbing account of a visit to his Uncle Arthur on Merseyside in 1955. Written in the same style as his popular articles for Tracks through Grantham (they're in our Spotters' Corner section), there's plenty of railway interest plus such things as his impressions of the docks and of attending Anfield to watch Liverpool FC.
Titled A train spotting holiday in Liverpool in 1955, Richard's essay can be downloaded as a Word document called 'Liverpool Holiday.docx' from here.
The Grantham Matters website:
In the past 3 months this local history website has published a few items of railway interest:
In the current issue of Steam World is an item which might interest Tracks though Grantham subscribers:
September 2022 (Issue 423):
pages 26 and 27 is a photo feature titled East Coast Main Line Moments. It's a selection of four colour photographs by Noel Ingram, prolific recorder of traffic on the East Coast Main Line between Grantham and Peterborough in the early 1960s.
Remember that you’re very welcome to stay in touch with us…
via the Tracks through Grantham website:
for feedback on a specific page, use the 'Comment' box under 'Leave a Reply', which appears at the bottom of most pages;
otherwise, use the general Contact Form found here.
It's time for our second selection of photographs taken exactly 60 years ago on one of a series of visits to Grantham station by my father and me.
The Tracks through Grantham time machine takes us back to Thursday 16th August 1962. Go to the Sixty Years and Countingheader page and scroll down to the link.
We're going back 60 years almost to the day, to the afternoon of Thursday 12th July 1962 when the prototype Brush diesel electric locomotive No. D0280 Falcon calls at Grantham station with The Sheffield Pullman. The man in the cab wearing white overalls is probably the manufacturer's technical representative. Photograph by Cedric Clayson.
Hello all,
We hope this finds everyone well, enjoying some fine summer weather and - depending on where you are of course - coping with the heat.
First, and perhaps most important, we’re very pleased to announce…
Our next Tracks through Grantham meeting: 12th October 2022
We’ve arranged a get-together in Grantham on Wednesday 12th October. If you are already on our Contacts List you should recentlyhave received an email giving additional detail. If you haven't received that email and would be interested in attending please get in touch using the Contact Form on this page, include also a postal address and/or a phone number, and we'll add you to our list of email contacts.
The programme will include a presentation by Chris Nettleton called Steam in and around Grantham. Chris has assembled a really good selection of photographs taken locally by several railway photographers at different periods. Chris edits the Gresley Society’s journal The Gresley Observer and he is also the society’s membership secretary.
So please note the date in your diary; during August we’ll circulate a detailed programme and invitation to people on the Contacts List.
Now for some updates and news…
Updated Website Pages
Tracks through Grantham continues to develop in size and scope, and our website has gained some more photographs and memories including:
Chris Pearce found a splendid photograph of a group of young men at Grantham Loco standing with one of their main line locomotives in the early 1920s. One of the lads is Chris’s grandfather, ‘Sam’ Pearce, and we’ve added the picture to Sam’s page.
We’ve added a photograph of a single line key token used on the High Dyke branch between Colsterworth and Skillington Road to retired signalman John Pegg’s page My Early Recollections of Working on the Railway (where there was already a photograph of the token instrument in Highdyke signal box for the Highdyke-Colsterworth section). A similar key token was recently sold as lot 415 in the auction highlighted in item 3 of ‘Other News’ below.
Other News
1. A forthcoming conference in Grantham, themed on Lincolnshire Railways
The 2022 Lincolnshire Railways Conference organised by the Industrial Archaeology Team of the Society for Lincolnshire History & Archaeology (SLHA) will take place at the Guildhall Arts Centre in Grantham on Saturday 19th November. The programme will include a series of talks on various aspects of railways in Lincolnshire. Mel and I have been invited to present a talk in which we will explore the role of the railway in the story of Grantham since 1850 and describe how, with the support and encouragement of many people, Tracks through Grantham is gathering and presenting this history.
For more information about the conference, including the other talks, go to this page on the SLHA website, scroll down to November and download the booking form.
2. The future of Grantham Cottage Hospital
Grantham’s Cottage Hospital has played an important role in the town’s railway history on several occasions, most notably following the high speed accident of September 1906 and the disastrous collision between Peascliffe Tunnel and Barkston South Junction in January 1936. So it was good to read recently that, following concern raised by local groups about the currently disused building’s future, its value has been officially recognised, as announced in The Grantham Journal:
There’s a link here to an account of the hospital’s role caring for accident casualties in the autumn of 1906 which was publicised far beyond the town.
3. Going, Going…
On 2nd July Talisman Railwayana Auctions of Nottingham sold 515 lots of railway relics, mostly of Lincolnshire origin, at Navenby. If you’d like to see what went under the hammer and the prices realised, visit their website:
Items of Grantham area interest were spread through the sale in lots 10, 25, 73, 81, 128, 134, 234, 302, 317, 415, 432, 462, 465 and 502.
4. Gone... Grantham’s bid for the Great British Railways HQ
As part of its latest plan to reform the railways the government proposes to establish an organisation to be called Great British Railways (GBR). Last October they announced a competition to identify a location for the organisation’s HQ. Grantham was one of 42 places to submit a bid, but when the shortlist of six was announced on 5th July the town was not among the successful candidates:
When you have a few minutes - or even an hour or two - to spare, try putting ‘Grantham’, ‘Barkston’, ‘Ponton’, ‘High Dyke’ / ‘Highdyke’ or other location of your choice into ‘SEARCH’ on these archive websites and see what comes up:
One of the benefits of having an online presence at Tracks through Grantham is that it encourages collaboration with other projects where they overlap with the Grantham area's railway history.
Malcolm Rush has been in touch to tell us about an album on Flickr where he's publishing his hand-drawn signal box track diagrams, photographs and other information.
In 1965-67 Malcolm visited nearly 200 signal boxes up and down the country. Each visit had a purpose - to create a record of the box and the lines it controlled. What wonderful foresight, as a 13-year-old, to record details of so many signal boxes while they remained operational! Five of the boxes he visited were in theTracks through Granthamarea.
AtTracks through Granthaman ambition is to prepare a page on the website for every signal box in the Grantham area. Several boxes are already covered, but in few cases have we found copies of a track diagram, a vital item in every box showing the purpose of each lever along with track circuit and other important information. A key purpose of Malcolm's visits was to create a hand-drawn copy of the track diagram displayed in each box. Thus his project is a perfect complement to five of our signal box pages and we're delighted to recommend it to you.
Malcolm himself explainsherehow his interest took root, andhereis an index of all the boxes he visited.
Thanks to the support of the then Grantham Station Manager Alec Wise, on Friday 4th January 1967 Malcolm visited the five Grantham area boxes under his supervision. Follow the links below to find Malcolm's diagrams, notes and photographs.
Four of the above boxes were previously featured on our website, the exception being Gonerby Siding box - until now. Encouraged by Malcolm's project we've put that right and you'll find our new Gonerby Siding signal box page here.
We've just added a new page to the website describing a marathon 24 hour period spent on the platforms at Grantham. It's based around the 1961 Summer Working Time Table (WTT) and includes a selection of suitable photographs to illustrate some of the 300+ workings and movements taking place between midnight and midnight. You can step back in time and watch the action here.