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About Tracks through Grantham

Tracks through Grantham aims to capture the spirit and the way of life of the railway community in and around a Lincolnshire market town.  We present the story of the railway from many perspectives, including from the viewpoint of the people of Grantham who have worked on the railway or have been associated with it.

Tracks through Grantham 'signposts' relevant work that is already published, in all media or formats.  The project does not exist to duplicate or re-publish the work of others, neither do we wish it to be perceived as being in competition with railway or local history initiatives and publications currently in development.  Our potential interests are wide-ranging, and we are more than willing to reach an understanding with anyone who may be researching a related subject with the intention of future publication.

Tracks through Grantham is run as a hobby by two partners, John Clayson and Mel Smith.  For the content we depend on the generosity of our many friends and contributors who are willingly sharing memories, photographs and other resources.  We are also indebted to public and private sources who have kindly permitted the free use of material from their collections.

The Tracks through Grantham project partnership was formed in 2016.  Discover the individual background stories to our involvement using the links below.

John Clayson and Mel Smith

October 2016

8 thoughts on “About Tracks through Grantham

  1. John Glover

    Fantastic website. My Dad use to take me train spotting to Grantham in the 1960s. Shame I cannot remember steam. When I got job on the railway in the 70s I use to visit the 'box (the old Yard Box) on Saturdays and took pictures (slides) of trains passing (Diesels). I've been looking for them but as yet not found, grr! Keep up good work.

    1. TracksthroughGrantham1

      Hello John,
      We're pleased you're enjoying Tracks through Grantham and thanks for your memories. Your visits in the 1970s would be when the old Yard Box had been fitted with an electronic panel, controlling movements on several miles of track both up and down the line as well as the station area. When you find your photographs please let us know as we are looking for diesel era pictures for a new series of pages we hope to develop.
      John Clayson

  2. John Glover

    My Father use to take me spotting at Grantham in 60s and got some good memories in 70/80s when I joined railway, use to visit box (old Yard Box). I used to own the running in board from the south end until couldn’t repair enamel, wish didn’t sell.

  3. Philip Taylor

    What a fantastic website.
    My name is Philip Taylor. My Father is mentioned on this site, George Earnest Taylor.
    I was a serial trainspotter from the middle 50s until 1962 when I joined the Royal Navy. I am now 73.
    My early recollections of my fathers life on the railway was before we moved to Grantham, he used used to cycle from Bottesford and back every day to work, in all conditions.
    Imagine a day on the shovel or a day on the regulator and then having to cycle 7 miles home back to Bottesford. He used to say it was better coming home because he could freewheel down Barrowby Hill.
    I spent many many days on Grantham Station with my Ian Allan Combination.
    I was also very lucky to have been able to be to climb up on to the footplate of many famous engines. Several A4s including Mallard, Gannet and Miles Beevor, and A3s including Flying Scotsman. All crewed by my father, normally on the shovel.
    As a family member of a railway employee I was entitled to a 1d pass (penny pass) which allowed me to travel round the network. Spent a lot of time at Colwick yard, and at Nottingham High Level which was a great place for trainspotting, LNER and LMS. Used to get as far as Derby and Peterborough.
    Fantastic times, never to be seen again.
    Keep up the good work.

    1. TracksthroughGrantham1

      Hello Philip,
      Thank you for writing in with your memories of growing up as part of a railway family at Grantham. Thank you too for your very kind compliments. We're always delighted to hear from people who enjoy Tracks through Grantham.
      I wonder if you've seen the story where Roy Vinter describes a very fast trip with your father as driver on B1 No. 61389? They were coupled 'inside' a Deltic to provide steam heat for the train. It's on this page.
      Best wishes,
      John Clayson

  4. Raymond Phillips

    My late Father, Eddie Philips, did 40 years on the Footplate all based at Grantham. Worked with George Taylor and many
    more. Until he got lodgings on Harrowby Road he would cycle from Castle Bytham, just as George would from
    Bottesford. Certainly different road conditions then!
    The Railway those men worked was certainly different. After 41 years on the Railway for me it was becoming more a
    business on a financial basis e.g. several times ready to depart a Yard early then told to wait till time (if you delay
    another service then a claim for compensation - who pays?). So you wait time - I once had 6hrs wait to leave Norwich Trowse.
    The item on 'the Angle' is very interesting.
    Ray Phillips, former Signalman & Driver

    1. TracksthroughGrantham1

      Hello Raymond,
      Thank you for your comment. People went everywhere by bike back then and they thought nothing of it. They were a very fit generation.
      John Clayson


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