The Up side buildings, facing platform 1 in 2014-15
Despite the modernisation period in the mid 1980s the external elevations of most of the buildings facing platform 1 remain virtually unchanged. Apart from the addition of a few 21st century embellishments and platform furniture they still look very much the same as they would to any passenger who has used the station over the last 100 years. We will start at the northern end of platform 1 (Up side) and work our way southwards, taking a look at each area along the way. To provide a wider perspective some of the photographs were taken from the opposite side of the tracks (from platform 2).
On the left we see the north end of platform 1 (viewed from platform 2) looking south. In the far distance the Great North Road bridge can just about be made out in the haze.Another view taken from platform 2 looking over towards platform 1. The building on the right of this photograph houses the emergency signalling panel for the Grantham area. The one on the left has an emergency generator inside, note the high level metal exhaust pipe outlet protruding through the wall and the ventilation louvres just below.Platform 1 adjacent to the emergency generator room and emergency signalling panel room behind.The first building we come across is a former Store / Guards Room, now festooned with modern day cables and wires.To provide a better view of the area this photograph is taken from platform 2. Part of the emergency signalling panel building can be seen on the extreme left, with the Store / Guards Room and its single door entrance to its right. The double doors central to this view gave access to the former Fish House. The corresponding doorway to this room (on Station Road) has been bricked up (See Station Road pages) The door on the right gave access to a former Porters Room.A closer look at the single Store Room door and the double doors leading into the former Fish House .The double doors of the Fish House with the door to the former Porters Room on the right.Before we move on we will look back again and take in the general area described in our first set of images.Moving south along the platform we leave the former Fish House behind. Central to the photograph we have the entrance to the modern male, female and disabled toilet that also provides baby changing facilities.Another photograph of the same area with the toilet facility still central to this image. The familiar logo of the Costa coffee brand looms into view on the right, ideally placed next to the Waiting Room on its left.Time for refreshments? The Waiting Room entrance beckons for those with time to spare.A closer look at the Waiting Room entrance.A view looking south along platform 1. Advertising boards, modern platform seating and transparent refuse bins are in abundance.The convenient coffee and snack facility on platform 1.Central to this photograph we have the double doors leading to another staff area, formerly used by Inspectors. To the left we see one of the surviving original drinking fountains and to its right a common sight in public areas, a defibrillator unit.The drinking fountains were originally installed for those passengers unable to afford both tickets and drinks from the Refreshment Room.Moving on southwards: the double doors to the staff area (ex Inspectors) are now on our left. Central to this image we can see the Passenger Information Centre. A well stocked vending machine waits patiently for its next customer.This view shows the Passenger Information Centre situated through the white framed doorway. In the distance we can pick out the ticket barriers adjacent to the main entrance and exit to platform 1.A closer look at the area around the entrance, exit and ticket barriers.Before we move on we will look back to get our bearings again. The Passenger Information Centre is central to this photograph.A wider general view showing most of the northern area of platform 1 and our starting point at the far end.The next few photographs show the tickets barrier area next to the main entrance.A view south along platform 1 showing the automated ticket barriers. Beyond that we get our first glimpse of the entrance to the lift serving the footbridge to platforms 2, 3 and 4 over the main lines .Tickets please!This view looking south shows the entrance the 'Pumpkin' café and also the access doors to the lift.Time for a bite?Another view of the same area but taken from across the tracks on platform 2.From under the footbridge we swing our camera around to show the area described in the previous few photographs.The 'Pumpkin' café nestles underneath the stairway leading from platform 1 and up to the footbridge.A broadside view of the 'Pumpkin' café and adjacent stairway to the footbridge.Close up detail of the signage situated underneath the steps leading up to the footbridge (see previous image)No time to step inside....Time to move on and with the stairway seen on our left a block of buildings at the south end of the station now start to come into view.At the foot of the stairway we see a white panel / blue doorway. This was originally made up of two doors with the white panel leading to a 'Battery Room' and the blue door an entrance to a 'Lobby'. The louvred doors central to this photograph previously lead to the 'Cable Room' and 'Telegraph Office'A closer look at the doorways situated at the bottom of the stairway. The white panel on the left was originally the door to a 'Battery Room' and half glazed blue door right next to it was an entrance to a 'Lobby'. The louvred doors on the right lead to the former 'Cable Room' and 'Telegraph Office'A pause to look north back along platform 1 towards the Stairway and lift shaft.Cycling has become very popular in recent years and is relatively cheap, so plenty of space for parking your bicycle while you take the train!Cycle parking area.Looking back towards the north end of the station and the Waiting Room on platform 2 can be seen behind the footbridge to the left.This view is looking north west across to platform 2. the houses in the background were built on the site of the old engine shed and yard.Stepping back a few yards (carefully) we have another wider view of the south end of the stationFormer Goods Agent Offices.A closer look at the doorway to the former Goods Agent Offices.The single blue door central to this view also gave access to the Goods Agent's office. The door to the right once lead to the Goods Shed behind (now demolished).More space for cycles and the entrances to the former Goods Agent's office and the Goods Shed.A closer look at the doorway to the former Goods Agent's office.Window detail adjacent to the entrance to the Goods Agent's office.A general view across the tracks to the former Goods Agent's office with the old entrance to the demolished Goods Shed central to the photograph.Another close up photograph showing the area around the Goods Shed entrance on platform 1.The view across the tracks towards the former Goods Agent's office. To help with identifying our location, in the distance on the left hand side we can just make out the bottom of the stairway to the footbridge on platform 1.This is the first part of a single storey block of buildings at the south end of the station. The doorway central to the picture with a bricked up surround was originally a window (see 1970s B&W pages) The next few images show broadside views of this area together with door and windows details. Anyone fancy building a model?Windows and doors. We are currently trying to obtain further information relating to the former use of this section including the section shown in the next four photographs. If you can help please contact us.Window detail.Door detail.Moving further along the single storey block. Help is needed in connection with the former use of these buildings. Do you know what they were used for?The door set into the bricked up area to the left was originally a window (see 1970s B&W pages)Windows and doors. The door on the right was an entrance to the former Goods Accounts Office.Moving along again. The doorway off platform 1 to the former Goods Accounts Office.A wider view taken from platform 2 of the former Goods Accounts Office.Another view of the former Telegraph Office buildings.Detail view of the former Telegraph Office buildings.Detail view of the former Telegraph Office buildings.We have now arrived at the south end of platform 1. The Yard Box was demolished in late 1981 and stood to the right of the last blue door, just behind the wooden fencing.A view from platform 2 looking south across the tracks to the virtually unchanged single storey buildings on platform 1.New meets old at the south end of the station.Time to depart....
If you have any personal memories, images or additional information relating to the station buildings for potential use in this section, we would love to hear from you. Please note: Unless stated otherwise all images are Copyright: Mel Smith.
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2 thoughts on “The Up side buildings, facing platform 1 in 2014-15”
Alan Matsell
The building on the end of the up platform was used for the locomens messroom, and the loco supervisors office.
The room described as the battery room housed very large glass batteries for the 50 volt telecomms exchange equipment room through the louvred door.
The room adjacent to the sliding fish dock door was occupied by the signalling new works team and was commonly known as "20"
The 2 buildings at the other end of the up platform housed a very large diesel generator which was the standby signalling power supply, and the adjacent building was the signalling equipment room, which contained an emergency signalling panel, relocated when Yard Box was decommissioned, and the relay based signalling system. When control passed to Doncaster a new push button emergency panel and control system was installed in a new building close by. The old relay room became the traffic supervisors office.
Thanks for getting in touch Alan and also providing us with some very useful information. It's always good to hear from people who actually had first hand experience of working on the railway at Grantham, so if you have any further memories or insights, then they would be most welcome. Thanks again - Mel & John.
The building on the end of the up platform was used for the locomens messroom, and the loco supervisors office.
The room described as the battery room housed very large glass batteries for the 50 volt telecomms exchange equipment room through the louvred door.
The room adjacent to the sliding fish dock door was occupied by the signalling new works team and was commonly known as "20"
The 2 buildings at the other end of the up platform housed a very large diesel generator which was the standby signalling power supply, and the adjacent building was the signalling equipment room, which contained an emergency signalling panel, relocated when Yard Box was decommissioned, and the relay based signalling system. When control passed to Doncaster a new push button emergency panel and control system was installed in a new building close by. The old relay room became the traffic supervisors office.
Thanks for getting in touch Alan and also providing us with some very useful information. It's always good to hear from people who actually had first hand experience of working on the railway at Grantham, so if you have any further memories or insights, then they would be most welcome. Thanks again - Mel & John.