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Our next get-together for people interested in Tracks through Grantham will take place in Grantham in mid-April.  These events are an opportunity to meet for a few hours to enjoy a varied and, we hope, informative programme.  Our meetings are usually held twice a year, in spring and autumn.

If you are already on our list of email and postal contacts you should recently have received the meeting programme and invitation.  Please remember to let us know if you hope to be with us.

If you are interested in attending but haven't received a programme/invitation please get in touch, using the Contact Form here, providing your name and email address along with either a phone number or a postal contact address.  We will add you to our list of email contacts and send a programme and invitation which gives the date, time and venue.  It will also request a reply if you intend to join us.

We don't publish the meeting details for all to see on the website because both we and our host venue need to know how many people to expect.

The programme this time will include presentations on named trains which ran through Grantham in the early 1960s, on the stories of two women who were brought together by fate as a result of the Grantham rail disaster of 1906, and on how the pastime of trainspotting attracted hordes of boys to the station in the 1950s and 1960s.

Testing the Tracks through Grantham website

For several months some users of our website have been experiencing poor loading of images.  The main symptom has been blank white rectangles appearing where images should be.  Thanks to some really valuable advice and suggestions we think this problem may largely be sorted.  However, to be more certain we’d appreciate some feedback on our website’s current performance so, if you have a few moments, please open some pages and check whether images appear where they are supposed to.    If you experience problems please get in touch using the Contact Form on this page, briefly describing the symptoms, and tell us the type of device you are using and whether you are in the UK or elsewhere in the world.  At this point there’s no need to be any more specific; we will get back to you if it will be helpful to know more.