Above: Peascliffe Tunnel as depicted on the 1903 six-inch OS map, with the ventilation shaft indicated.
Jeff Thompson has always kept a close eye on the railway, especially in the Peascliffe area. Last Wednesday, 30th September, among the trees above the tunnel, work was taking place on the brick chimney above the ventilation shaft:

Photograph by Jeff Thompson.
Yesterday, the smart new cover was in place:

Photograph by Jeff Thompson.
Jeff says "All ready for Royal Ascot Ladies Day!! There's a very different sound from passing trains, but I haven't yet heard a 'Streak'."
Your article on Peascliffe Tunnel has reminded me that it was the first tunnel that I entered "under traffic". It was in 1964 and I was accompanied by 2 'chainmen' and a lookout to carry out a survey. The only safety advice I was given was to always carry a 'Tilley' lamp and to always know where my nearest refuge was. When a train approached we would find a refuge and push ourselves against the back wall, and if it was a steam train (as many still were) the noise of the train combined with the glow of the fire and the all-enveloping cloud of steam was incredibly exciting to a young man. I loved it!