Looking ahead to 2018 Author TracksthroughGrantham2Published on 31st December 2017Leave a comment on Looking ahead to 2018 We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported the TTG project throughout 2017 and to also wish all of our many friends and contributors a Happy New Year! Looking ahead to 2018, amongst other things in the pipeline we are planning to introduce a new section on the TTG website. This new section will be about the 'Diesel Era' beginning with the introduction of DMU services at Grantham and covering the decades that followed, right up to the start of electrification. If you have a tale to tell, or maybe just an anecdote, a memory, or a few images from this period and you would like us to potentially include them in this section, then please get in touch with us. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)